
Tuesday, December 12, 2017


New "Kosher" BitCoen - 3500 times faster than regular Bitcoin blockchain…

Many might think that those against Bitcoin are unfounded alarmist. We quote scripture like,

Revelation 13:17

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Many Christians are like Judas Iscariot, helping Satan along, hoping to force God into some kind of apocalyptical action. They support the building of the third Jewish Temple despite the fact that Jesus died for all men's sin once and for all. There is no need for a Temple; however, Satan will build it with the help of many Christians and Jews.

Cryptocurrency is one of those things Christians cannot help to put their cash into it. Many may not realize that they are helping Satan with his plan of world domination while other do not care.

One of the new Cryptocurrency is BitCoen. It is a Jewish Bitcoin that is exclusive for Jews. Jewish merchants and Jewish communities will all become unified by this Bitcoin. This BitCoen is very much like the one that will be used by the Antichrist. The Beast's system will be a currency that is used exclusively for those that are part of the system of the BEAST. The BitCoen is called, "A unified system uniting the members of all Jewish communities." That is the goal of the BEAST's System: To unify its members. The unity will be so great that the Bible says,

Revelation 13:16

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:”

Each BitCoen wallet contains a service for generating mn(D)emonic  phrases. With modern computers your currency might be safe using mnemonic phrases but by using Quantum computers it will eventually destroy all modern Cryptocurrency systems. The single most famous application of quantum computing is in code-breaking. Those who control the Quantum computers will be free to crack any codes and take all your cyber cash. The ones leading the way in Quantum computing is D-Wave + Nasa + Google = quantum A.I. lab.

Of all the groups, Google is the most disturbing. Google allows porn for kids, copyright thefts, and multitude of other evil sites to do business on their search engine. They have no sense of right and wrong. Take my book, Hay Bale Gardening: You know you have a great book when Google allows its theft on their search engine.

Porn for kids on Google has never been talked about. Do a search for blonde naked ladies and you will find porn available without ever going to a porn site. Do a search for gif porn and you can view movies without ever paying a dime. No matter what the age, porn is available for kids just by viewing the pictures on their Google search engine.Google is working with NASA and NASA are giving them access to Quantum computers. Is America crazy? YEP!

The mark of the Beast will be something like the BitCoen that will unify the citizens of the world under one Country:Jerusalem.In my newest book I go through why I believe Jerusalem is the great whore of Revelation. I even tell you who I think the Antichrist will be. He is the right person to be using BitCoen since it is cryptocurrency that is used by the Priestly class. Coen is a word in Hebrew meaning: "priest". In fact,  "Kohen" is someone who is a direct descendant of Aaron. It just so happen I named the Antichrist as one who literally is a descendant of Aaron. They are cousins.

Revelation 13:1

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

A single platform (marketplace) for Jewish products, services and businesses - BitСoen Platform

The BitCoen will enable you to keep your coins in one religion. Will Bitcoin now compete with all religions?  Keep your money where your heart is and use only our special Bitcoin that is approved for your religion. With BitCoen you can shop and use it at an approved Jewish market. Maybe an Islamic Bitcoin will become popular in the future: "Support your radical Islamic group by using our cyber coins. We care that your money is used according to your faith."

Here are the claims for using BitCoen:

We are the first blockchain ecosystem, corresponding to the legislation. We are one of the few blockchain projects that are aimed at the benefit of the community and BitCoen holders, rather than enriching the creators. We are a United Kingdom company with official accounts in Swiss Banks. We came for a long time - once launched the blockchain can’t be closed, destroyed or reset, it will always exist ( as long as our world will.)

BitCoen announces that we should become part of the future. Do we really want the Antichrist to show up tomorrow with his killing, head chopping rage? 

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