
Tuesday, December 12, 2017


𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗿𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗻

Many of you do not have the faintest idea of what being Christian is all about. There is a group called, "Christians United for Israel" who devote their money and talent to pro-Israel causes. They view Israel as God's Chosen People. They want all Christians to sign a pledge:


We believe that the Jewish people have a right to live in their ancient land of Israel, and that the modern State of Israel is the fulfillment of this historic right.

We maintain that there is no excuse for acts of terrorism against Israel and that Israel has the same right as every other nation to defend her citizens from such violent attacks.

We pledge to stand with our brothers and sisters in Israel and to speak out on their behalf whenever and wherever necessary until the attacks stop and they are finally living in peace and security with their neighbors.

Did you catch it? The Jews are their true brethren. They did not say their Christian brothers and sisters. They consider all in Israel as their brethren. The organization Hagee founded in 2006 is now the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States with more than 500,000 members. Falwell was a charter member of the board and the first recipient of its Defender of Israel Award.

Hagee, who founded the organization, had this to say about the Jewish people, "Because we believe in the Bible,” he said, “The Bible presents the Jewish people as the apple of God’s eye, the chosen people, the cherished people, the Covenant people."

That's wonderful if you are a Jew, to be considered as a special PERSON of God. Hagee even warns Americans to support Israel or else. It sounds like a threat to me,

“If America turns its back on Israel, God will turn His back on America,” he said. “... Both America and Israel are at war with a common enemy -- radical Islam. … It is a war of good versus evil, it is a war of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness versus the culture of death.”

I have news for Hagee, God has already turned His back on America and it is not from supporting Israel but for our own sins.

Romans 9:6

“Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:”

The Israelis are lost people and in need of salvation, not blind acceptance based on delusions.

Matthew 10:6

“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

Romans 10:1

“Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.”

Should we not preach to Israel instead of deluding them into thinking they are God chosen people in need of no savior?

Acts 10:36

The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)”

Most Christians have given up proselyting to Jews. This is the first step in the downward spiral of accepting Israel as brethren instead of warning them to flee from the wrath of God:

"If a Jew were to come to you and ask, what’s better: to be a Jew or a Christian, what would you say to him?’ He replied: ‘I would tell him to be a Jew.’ ‘Although,’ he added, ‘I didn’t always think that way. At first, all Christians want everyone to be Christian, but this position stems from ignorance.”

A good way to be persecuted by Jews is to preach Jesus in Israel:

"A large portion of the Jewish population in Israel are secular atheists and therefore hold no actual religious affiliation. However, the religious Jews, and most notably the Orthodox Jewish sects, are intolerant and openly antagonistic, often to the point of violence, to any Christian proselytizing in Israel"

Why am I saying all this? Do I hate the Jews? No. I believe  some Christians who are so diluted about their evangelical mission should covert to Judaism. They should stop pretending to be Christian. They should end this sham of pretense and become what they were meant to be, the chosen people of God, a JEW.

The main work of the Christian is to evangelize:

Mark 16:15

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

After all if the Jews are God's chosen people, don't you want to be chosen too? If the Jews are blessed, wouldn't you want to be blessed also?

"A gentile may convert to Judaism by a process of study, commitment to observance and soul searching. The actual processes supervised by what is called a beit din or rabbinic court of three. It involves acceptance of the Torah and immersion ina mikvah, for men, it also entails circumcision."

I say, have at it. Become the best Jew that you can be. You don't have to worry that I'll come and try to convert you to Christianity. I will consider you as a hardened one, not worthy of my time and energy. Good luck on your new religion, you chosen one of God

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