
Tuesday, December 5, 2017


In Trumps latest warning to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Trump declared the American military “locked and loaded,” and equipped with “solutions” if Kim’s increasingly isolated regime refuses to cease its nuclear provocations.

What we are seeing in the world is that God too is "locked and loaded." Volcanoes are about to massively erupt and earthquakes are ready to shake our world.

What is God trying to say to us. The world represents the same attitude of Kim Jong Un. Pajama boy is defiant: SEOUL/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea displayed trademark defiance on Wednesday (9/10) over new United Nations sanctions imposed after its sixth and largest-ever nuclear test, vowing to redouble efforts to fight off what it said was the threat of a U.S. invasion.

Most non-Christians are also defiant but against God. They don't believe He exists. They teach evolution instead of creation. They ignore God's laws. They hate each other, steal from each other, and kill one another. They mock God by going contrary to His ways of life and peace.

Kim Jong Un hides behind human shields in order to tempt Americans to attack. Kim would be one of those who bluffed the wrong player into military action.

The world also hides behind human shields called Christians. They know God will not attack as long as there are a few in the land.


When Abraham appeared before the LORD prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, He asked this question:

Genesis 18:23

And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

What was the Lord's reply?

Genesis 18:32

I will not destroy it for ten's sake.

In the time of God's wrath it will hold true that He will not destroy the earth for the sake of ten. The mega earthquake of God's judgment cannot happen unless the people of God had first escaped.

Not only did this principle of withholding destruction for the sake of ten hold true for Lot but also for Noah:

Genesis 7:13

In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;

Only Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives were safe on the ark. Except for these 8 people (1 Peter 3:20), every other person died. More could have been saved but Noah could not even find ten willing to forsake their evil ways and trust in the safety of the ark. Think about it. If Noah could have persuaded two more people to repent, the flood might have never happened. Remember God's word, "I will not destroy it for ten's sake."

The world is so dumb that when God does act, He will remove His bride the Church, first. This will open up the world for judgment and wrath. The earthquake, I believe might happen this March and April. lt will be so global that it will usher in the great escape and great tribulation. There is an escape for the people of God. It will coincide with the BIG ONE.

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