
Monday, December 11, 2017


A lot of people have predicted the end of the world or the end of the world that we know in 2017. December 15 or its whereabouts is the latest prediction for this year. I personally don't believe it is coming in December. Global calamity predictions are a game many play each year. It is really not that strange but is actually a fun game that causes no harm unless you take it seriously and sell your home and possessions or build elaborate shelters for protection. When the world does end no amount of worldly preparation will matter anyway, so it's fun to play along.

I am a Christian so I am always prepared for death. I would like to predict when the Big One would hit just for the fact that it would be momentous in Heaven. Many will point at me saying, "There goes the one that predicted the exact moment of doomsday." Noah was one that many ignored yet knew when the flood would come. He proved to be spiritually attuned to God. Many will want to shake his hand in heaven and inquire about his escape from judgment.

Many Watchmen have put a lot of work in their predictions. They study star charts along with many Bible passages. Some of these predictors are so knowledgeable that they make my head spin, "Say what?" Some predictors go by feeling. They feel such urgency, perhaps from God, that they try to warn others as to when the day will arrive. I personally don't care whether people know the time or not. It is up to each of us to prepare to meet thy God

Those who love the world and themselves will never be prepared. Do you think they would trade their lives for something unknown in Heaven? Most people in this world are not even sure if God exists, let alone do they desire to lose their life that they love.

Despite God's warning, many scoff at the predictions of gloom due to their desire of living a fulfilled life of sensual pleasures. They love everything about this world. Especially the fact the God is not in their lives and not able to spoil their fun. At least that is what they think. God is in this world whether they know it or not.

1 John 2:15

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

No matter when doom happens, the predictions are not meant for worldly people. They did not listen to Noah and neither will they listen to modern predictors. Predictions, especially by Christians, are meant for celebration. Jesus will be coming for His Church and one day someone's' prediction will be dead on accurate and will have the honor and distinction of having been right on about the time of judgment and God's return. 

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