
Thursday, December 7, 2017


Christians everywhere are celebrating the news of moving our Embassy to Jerusalem. Many claim that Jews are beyond reproach since they are God's chosen people. I remember a Pentecostal man who gave assistance to the Jews in rebuilding the third Temple. He believed he raised a red heifer for Temple cleansing and wanted to help the Jewish faithful.

"An unexpected alliance has formed between Evangelical Christians and Jews due to their shared interest in rebuilding the Temple. The writer interviewed Rev. Jerry Falwell about the significance of the Temple to Christians. Many Christians who are helping Israel today are doing so to facilitate the moment when they believe they will be raptured into Heaven. Rabbi Richman and Clyde Lott disavow any association with the Temple extremists. When Richman visited Lott in 1994, he examined Lott's red cattle, and then the two men went on a series of barnstorming tours through Evangelical churches, mainly in the Deep South."

"Reverend Clyde Lott is a revivalist preacher and cattle rancher from Mississippi, who attempted to hasten the end of the world in a rather unusual way – by shipping red cows to Israel. He took up the challenge in accordance with an obscure injunction in the Book of Numbers, which states that without the sacrifice of a red heifer, the Jewish people cannot be purified and enabled to rebuild the Third Temple."

I believe helping the Jews in any way will hasten the wrath of God. Christians do not need a Temple for animal sacrifices. Jesus ended all animal sacrifices.

Hebrews 10:14

“For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.”

Building a Temple is blasphemous. Jesus had put away Temple sacrifices by dying for our sins on the cross.

Most of the Jews who inhabit Israel are of the worst kind. They hate Christianity and the Messiah that Christians preach. To side with them in any manner is an affront to the Lamb of God. Since they want nothing to do with Jesus, we should have nothing to do with them. Sure they tolerate Christians to the point of having them come to the holy land and spend loads of cash but that is only for economic reasons. Messianic Jews are hated fervently in the holy land.

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