
Thursday, December 14, 2017


Why Are My Sweet Kids Changing?

Computer technology and cell phones are not for undisciplined children. Many should watch what they post on Facebook so as to not corrupt a little child's mind. I use Facebook as a tool for witnessing but others take joy in posting their weirdness and their cherished lewd pictures. I would like to give you examples but it would be ungodly.

I don't trust kids alone with each other, and I especially do not trust them with a computer unless they are constantly watched or supervised. A shut door is very suspicious. A parent might check his child's computer and look especially into their browser's HISTORY but will usually find nothing amiss. After seeing nothing suspicious, they feel safe and trust their little ones. This is not an accurate approach to discover wrong doing. I would suggest using a browser or search engine that does not use Incognito. Incognito like the one used by GOOGLE is great for Kids wanting to view porn undetected.
CTRL+SHIFT+N can give you privacy to view all the porn you need without going to the porn website. Do a simple search like "naked teens" or "naked men" and the world of HELL will enter your child's web portal without detection. No traces will be found by a spying parent. Anything a kid desires to view will open up and lead them to the paths of Hell.

Many in politics sound the alarm when your child is taught violence in computer games but do not mention one word about what I'm talking about. They seem to want your children to become sexually active so that they might become part of their pedophile ring of deviants.

Even those concerned about sexual behavior among kids are silent when they talk about the main problem of how their kids got that way. Your kids are acting strangely because they are out of control. Their eyes are filled with lust and uncontrolled passions. No wonder teen pregnancy is rampant.

"More than 750,000 teenagers become pregnant every year and among them 420,000 give birth. Teen pregnancy is one of the rampant problems that do not have any boundary all over the world. It is an alarming social issue. Teen pregnancy has various causes which lead to many severe problems that are needed to be solved."

If you are religious, it is time to take action to save your kids. Take away your kids cellphones or at least eliminate all their access to the internet. Allow kids only access to the internet with strict parental supervision. Do not trust them with their friends that have no control unless you want them to follow in their ways of deception and lusts.

"Every school has different rules for cell phone use, but most allow students to bring phones so long as they turn them off during class. Parents: check the school's rules -- and make sure your kids are mature enough to follow them. ... Students have been known to misuse their cell phones at school."

It is not strange why your kids are acting strangely. They have been neglected and left to their own devices. Everyone who are involved in destroying their child will have to give an account to God.

Matthew 18:6

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

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