
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Inerrancy of Scripture

I think most people who claim to be Christian have a problem with inerrancy of Scripture: "Biblical inerrancy, as formulated in the "Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy", is the doctrine that the Bible "is without error or fault in all its teaching"; or, at least, that "Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact".

First thing we should know is that we do not have the "original manuscript." That being said, I think that is why anything goes in the Christian world as concerning Bible translations. Since no one can prove that their Bible is better according to the originals then why not write a Bible any way we see fit. Or better yet, we could have a super Bible containing all the versions. That way we could pick and choose what we want to believe.

I have found that many newer Bible versions contradict themselves. I think, as Christians, we should tell people what version of the Bible (KJV) to use. Is there a version that we can put our complete trust in? I think so. Or are we to trust all versions of the Bibles? Are we to believe in an helter-skelter mishmash of Bible truths? Since we do not have the original manuscripts, how are we going to decide which one is true?

There is the Queen's Bible. The translators were very careful, "We edited those eight verses in a way that makes homophobic interpretations impossible." So then are we to believe that the original manuscripts endorses homosexuality?

There is the "Word of the Street Bible." It only contains 500 pages. Is this Bible suppose to be less wordy?

There is a Klingon Bible for Star Trek fans. Was the Bible originally written for all outer space fans?

There are Bibles written in pidgin English, and Lolcats Bibles. There are Bibles that are not really Bible at all called,  "The Secular Bible", and the "Humanist Bible." Bibles are big business. Everyone wants to call their book, "The Bible."

Many say, "Recent developments in archaeology, scientific dating methods and Biblical scholarship have made possible a number of modern, more accurate English translations of the scriptures. These newer versions are translated from the oldest and best ancient Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, rather than from the King James version or the Latin Vulgate."

Do many really believe in the inerrancy of Scripture or is it just fashionable  thing to say? I do. I use the KJV. It supports better than any other Bible the tenants or the fundamentals of the faith. Is Jesus God or did the newer versions get it right when they say, "He was manifested in the flesh?" Was Jesus really born of a virgin?  Or are the newer versions correct when they say he was only born of a young girl or maiden (not a virgin)?

"I got that newest Bible," some will say, "They make God a she instead of a He." Newer is better, right?

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