
Wednesday, January 3, 2018


A lot of watchman had guesses as to when the Lord shall return for His Church in 2017. They were all wrong. Many are now preparing to revamp their predictions with new dates. Before you do, please remove all of your old posts that had the false predictions. At least start fresh with a new date without the old videos showing up. Many videos had thousands of views and intrigued many in hoping that your predictions were true but now we know as false.

Some of you will not confess that you were wrong but only state that God had a changed his mind due to everyone's prayers. Some of you will continue as if you made no predictions. I would suggest, next time, do not state the date as if it were truth, but tell others it is your best deduction from your research and feelings. You won't look like a kook next time when you make your predictions. Especially don't base your next prediction on dreams. Dreams are not likely to come true. Look at all the dreams that were told in 2017 but are now considered false, coming from a fleshly mind. We now know that your dreams meant nothing and were totally false. They were probably based on overeating prior to going to bed.

Now that everyone is disillusioned and disappointed that God did not fulfil your words, we can start WITH A FRESH IDEA or thought. Many who think the Lord will never come is giving a true positive assertion that proves that the Lord is about to return. The Bible says that when you are not expecting His return, it is then that the LORD will come, for AT A TIME YOU THINK NOT THE LORD COMETH.

Matthew 24:44

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

If I had to make a prediction for 2018, this would be my prediction:

It is a prediction based on a gut feeling and not revelation. I believe Jesus could come on March 31st.

Romans 6:5

“For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection:”

If we share in the likeness of His resurrection then we might also share in the same date of his resurrection. It is like someone saying they would like to share their birthday with us and so everyone bought each other gifts. OH MY! That is what we do at Christmas. Perhaps at Easter time we will all (In Christ) share in His resurrection.

The day before Easter is the accurate date of Jesus' resurrection. He was raised from the dead on Saturday evening and the empty tomb was visited on Sunday morning.

If the rapture happened this year, I would choose the same day that Christ was raised from the dead. The rapture would also happen on the same night of the global quake.

Many of the hardened ones will crawl out from the Quake on Easter morning. Easter this year is April fool's day. The day represents the survivors who were fooled not to accept Christ but to celebrate the Easter bunny instead. They will awake Easter morning not to sugar coated candies and chocolate crucifixes but to the aftermath of an Earthquake of momentous proportions after the catching away of the Church.

The quake will cover the whole earth in fire and destruction. Read Revelation 6 seal six. The Jewish New Year is actually April 1st the same day after the earthquake. If I had to make a prediction according to my gut feelings, it would be March 31st.

On the day before Easter the greatest shaking event in America took place:


1.       9.2            March 28, 1964  Prince William Sound, Alaska

Since history likes to repeat itself, it could happen again, but with greater magnitude. While many are being raptured, the earthquake will rupture causing great destruction.

Excerpt:a great earthquake - St Stephen's, Guernsey

"The Holy Land is a region where earthquakes occur frequently. By one means or another, substantial earthquakes have been documented in that part of the world for more than 4,000 years. References to earthquakes in the Holy Land can be found in historical accounts and in biblical and other literature. But evidence about Holy Land earthquakes has also been discovered thanks to archaeological excavations.

Research recently conducted by scientists from the German Research Centre for Geosciences has shown, for example, that at least two major earthquakes occurred in the area adjacent to the Dead Sea. There was a widespread earthquake in 31 B.C. and an early first-century seismic event that happened sometime between 26 A.D. and 36 A.D.

I mention these scientifically recorded earthquakes for a reason. You may not have noticed it, but earthquakes figure prominently in the events of the Passion Story. Last week on Passion Sunday, you will remember that the Palm Gospel was read during the Mass. From St Matthew’s Gospel, we heard that when our Lord died on the cross, ‘the earth shook, and the rocks were split. The tombs were also opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised. After his resurrection, they came out of the tombs and entered the holy city and appeared to many’ (27. 51-53).

The tombs that are referred to here are the tombs of Israelite saints, surrounding the city of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. They were opened 1 Cf. Ezek 37. 11-14. This event may be a partial fulfilment of the vision given to Ezekiel. 

– Holy Saturday (the Easter Vigil and the First Mass of Easter) as Jesus died; and the resurrected saints remained in their tombs until after his resurrection. The message here is clear. The death of Christ is not some sort of mathematical ‘minus’ that was ultimately negated or reversed by his resurrection; no, on that same day, the radical life-changing, dead-raising power of God was released. And the earth shook in order to call everyone’s attention to what was accomplished that day at Calvary."

Find out more on end times by reading my book: The Big One:

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