
Wednesday, January 10, 2018


California is the barometer or gauge that the world can see the judgment of God in action. There is a reason why California lights up like a Christmas tree when one views a live earthquake map. Some Californians have departed so far away from God that is nearly impossible that judgment would not come. I have listed many sins of California. California is hell bent on becoming a disaster STATE. It is most disturbing what is going on there in the state.

Californians are now teaching their kids LGBT history in their public schools as decreed by law. The vast majority that live there are demoncrats that support abortion. If that wasn't bad enough, they now are a sanctuary state that gives refuge to the criminal elements from Mexico. 

The Mexican illegals not only practice unlawful incursion into a sovereign nation but also bring their drugs with them. If you come to America as a criminal, you will have no qualms in doing more illegal acts once you get there. Our country is not for pillage. Because of the Mexicans crossing illegally across the border; we have to build a WALL, for our own safety.

Society is becoming more and more slavery oriented. As slavery in the workplace becomes more prevalent in our country, there must be a drug to alleviate the workers' anxieties and keep them happy. Recreational marijuana has now come to California in order to appease and dumb down their people. Here is a quote I read recently:

It [was] brought to the Americas by the Portuguese, who took it to Brazil, and again by the British, who took it to Jamaica. In both cases,It was used to pacify slaves.

California has plans for slavery. The taskmasters rule their citizens with whips of legislation, false information, and a supply of drugs for appeasement. Slavery will not be tolerated by God. God is saying to Californians, "LET MY PEOPLE GO." Since there is no place for the people of God in this world, He might be saying it a little differently, LEAVE MY PEOPLE ALONE UNTIL I COME.

God is coming for His people but not without deliverance. God could have rescued the Hebrews without judging the Egyptians. He could have just taken them out and transported them to the promised land. Instead he took out the Egyptians first. He took the Egyptians out by plagues of judgment. 

The three major disasters in California are FIRE, MUDSLIDE, AND EARTHQUAKES. God is calling for everyone in America to REPENT. To not repent is self-annihilation under the hand of God; the more evil we do, the more judgment we will obtain.

We should not look at the Californians with glee in our eyes as if we enjoy their punishment. We should look upon their distress as reminders of what God can do to anyone who live carelessly. We should look to ourselves and live in sobriety and holiness in the fear of God. Judgment comes first to the people of God and then to the wicked. God is able to judge His people with sickness, loss of possessions, and even death when we give up on holiness and live for evil and sinful pleasures.   

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