
Monday, January 29, 2018


Look at the last 14 hours of earthquakes. Something is really happening. I pray that many will repent and come to Christ. God means business.

I repent Lord of all my sins, I turn now for your mercy and grace. I will not live as though you do not exist. You are the Lord of Glory. Save me from the coming punishments in Jesus' name. Thankyou RIGHTEOUS GOD.

JOHN WESLEY: "Of all the judgments which the righteous God inflicts on sinners here, the most dreadful and destructive is an earthquake. This he has lately brought on our part of the earth, and thereby alarmed our fears, and bid us "prepare to meet our God!" The shocks which have been felt in divers places, since that which made this city tremble, may convince us that the danger is not over, and ought to keep us still in awe; seeing "his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still." (Isa. 10:4.)"

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