
Friday, September 25, 2015

The Victory of Same Sex Marriage?

It was time that our secular society departed even more from Christian principles and laws. The equality of same sex marriage is going to fill up the coffers of those selling licenses. Our society and our secular laws care about one thing and it is not morality, it is about making more money.

Those who think they have some sort of victory in this world are deceived. Their victory is only in their pocket book. They can now buy licenses, get married and pay for more expenses. If I got married tomorrow, I would not buy a license. I don't need legal society to approve of my marital choice. I would find me a church that would marry me without civil authority. I would rebel against man-made laws. I would get married in the sight of God without feeling obligated to pay into a corrupt legal system.

How corrupt is our legal system? We are seeing a shift to confusion. Legalized Marijuana has brought this out. Marijuana has health benefits and yet it was made illegal to grow. Now it is becoming more and more legal to smoke and buy legalized, government sanctioned products. Some in the legal system are confused. Is marijuana bad or not? The legal system in some States now sees that they can make more money by legalizing pot than by criminalizing it. How? By selling licenses and selling their approved products (Like weeds need approval). Our corrupt system of government is only interested in one thing, making money. They want money and will get it anyway they know how.

Society has departed from God and it shows. We have created a legal system that is out of this world. Today anything goes as long as money is changing hands and palms are greased. It would have been nice to see a more benevolent society but what we see is a greedy, money hungry, and money grubbing monster we call civil government. IT IS FAR FROM BEING CIVIL. IT IS DEMONIC.

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