
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Am I a Science Hater?

Some scientists are not too bright. Astrophysicist or astronomers are looking to the stars and trying to find out how the universe is made when they ought to be doing something more useful. Other fields of science should be healing people, making cheaper technologies, or growing fresh foods that are not toxic.

We let those in science try to interpret our Bibles for us when they haven't proved themselves useful in real life. Talk about putting one over on us. How many of billions of dollars are wasted in looking to the stars? Here is a verse,

 "And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind."

The scientists or Astrophysicists will tell you that the stars of heaven could not possible fall into the earth. Stars being Suns of other galaxies. The verse did not say all the stars will fall, however, God could make all the stars fall if He chooses to do so. At least that is what I believe. I believe in a miraculous God.

It has been taught that an old star nuclear fuel is mostly gone through time. The star loses mass from its surface, producing a stellar wind (gas that is ejected from the surface of a star). Stars have burned out, broke up and exploded, and then became space debris and gases distributed throughout the universe. Can you think for a moment if only one star was hurled at the earth at a tremendous amount of speed (faster than light speed), would most of it's mass be intact when it reached our earth? Take a coal of fire and strap it on a missile and then shoot it up into the sky. Would the coal return steaming hot? Of course not. So too, when God chooses to shoot the stars towards the earth they will mostly be consumed by the time they reached us. By their accelerated speed of travel they will be reduced in size and mass.

The scientist will be first to backtrack when the stars fall unto the earth as mentioned in the Book of Revelation, "We were looking at normal conditions when we taught our science and ridiculed the Bible. How was we suppose to know that their was a God with all power? Sorry, we deceived many of you. Did you expected us to be perfect or something?"

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