
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Let's Stop the Christian Salesmen

A preacher said, "This is the time of change. Prosperity is about to come in this new year of jubilee. God wants you prosperous. He wants to bless you. It starts by you giving to this ministry. He will multiply your gift and bless you. For a gift $1,000 you can get my book, "Blessings in the hard times to come…"

Many preachers today have not read the Scriptures that says,

"It is more blessed to give than to receive" Acts 20:35.

Today many ministers not only want their family to be taken care of but they also like the things that money can buy. They covet many things and want their followers to pay for it. Sure they do a little reading to prepare their words of grandeur for their weekly services but they have no clue as to what charity giving is all about.

A person wrote this to me,

 "Revelation are for cranks and fools for the cranks to part their money. Or just for fools. Either way, he likely didn't exist based on current evidence, more evidence inferences that Christian cults started as a myth cult; then later took on the Gospel stories of which only a few are included in the various bibles that float around today.

The evidence actually discounts that there were many Jesus's wondering around and just accumulated into one person.

Either way it doesn't matter to many of us who realize religion is scam one does to themselves or to each other. It's a lot of BS, and one of the things that can make otherwise good people do harmful hideous insane things to others.

So you can take your religion, just be careful with that bullshit, it's known to make people go completely nuts and become incredibly deadly and dangerous."

He had a lot of concerns for the harm Christianity is doing to people. He was confused and placed all Christians together as if they were all of the same lump or of the same group. One of his main concerns was that religion was for cranks and fools to part their money. He called Christianity a sham.

The Bible warns that the gospel will be evil spoken of,

"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not" 2 Peter 2,1-3.

A lot of us have created the monsters of greed within Christianity. We gave to ministries that considered giving a means by which they could acquire wealth and fame. It is time to change all that. I advocate not giving to any ministry that sells in the name of Christianity. They should keep their personal businesses separate from their religious ones. Don't give your money to anyone that sells in the name of God and calls your purchase a gift. They should pay taxes on their sales like any other business. Instead, many use religion as a cloak to get rich by selling their products and calling them gifts.

Do not stop giving to your local church. You must pay your fare share to keep the lights on and other expenses. Beware though, of the so-called men of God who want a huge Church building at any cost. They should seek the lost and build their membership first and then the building will come. We must choose men who have a calling to preach and not a lust to covet possessions.

I used to joke; "It is more blessed to give than receive, so give a little to me." It is sad, but that is the sentiment among many who name the NAME OF CHRIST. "Profit at any cost," they say to each other. They believe they are building the KINGDOM OF GOD here on sinful earth.

In the years to come, If God wills, I will be leading the faithful to do works of Charity. It will not be my ministry but the Lord's ministry. You have a mission to accomplish for Christ. Perhaps He has led you here on my blog to discover it.

I have a name for my ministry. I hope to call it, "Larry Zoro's Christian Institute for Health." The name you choose for your ministry is not important. Yours might be called, "Mike and Suzy's Christian Ministry of Giving.

I have a vision to give fresh vegetables to everyone in my community and promote good health. My main mission will be in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ by words of faith and then demonstrate my faith by works of action.   

In these last days, people must see that we are not all about obtaining wealth but there are some devoted to freely blessing others. We cannot rely upon Christian entertainers or Christian spectators to do the work. We must do it ourselves in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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