
Friday, October 2, 2015

Jumping Kangaroos (Updated), Windows, Underwater Trees, and Floating Seeds, Nuts and Fruits

I heard a questions the other day of someone who wanted to know how the kangaroos after the Biblical flood made it to the continent of Australia. Did they swim? Or jump from one continent to another.

Science has the answer:

"Before the 1960s, most geologists were adamant that the continents were stationary. A handful promoted the notion that the continents had moved (continental drift), but they were accused by the majority of indulging in pseudo-scientific fantasy. Today, that opinion has reversed—plate tectonics, incorporating continental drift, is the ruling theory."-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
God had the answer before modern science and also tells us when the continents moved. 

In Genesis 10, two-thirds of the way through the genealogies of the post-Flood (after flood) patriarchs, we read in verse 25,

"To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan." 

The same phrase, “for in his days the earth was divided,” also appears in the repetition of this genealogical entry in 1 Chronicles 1:19.

Conclusion: This dividing happened after the flood. The kangaroos got a ride on a moving continent that was later called Australia.

Update: Some don't believe that the continents divided after the flood. Some believe it happened during the flood. If that was the case, the kangaroos took a boat to Australia with some happy explorers or travelers.

Here is a more in depth answer I found after I posted this:

Another question had to do with how animals breathed in the Ark since it was covered with an air-tight mixture of tar and pitch.   

God has the answer: 

There was a window in the Ark.

"A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above" Genesis 6:16. 

Some teach it was a large window that wrapped around the Ark.

The last question presupposes that there was no food for the animals to eat after leaving the Ark.

Time frame: Waters were receding.

After the flood Noah sent out a bird. The bird came back. Noah use the bird to determine if it was safe to open the door. Finally after a few weeks a different bird that was sent came back with an olive leaf. The last time he used a bird it never came back.

Trees can not swim and yet some could have survived:

Most harm done to trees would have been if they were completely submerged in water for a long period of time. I believe some vigorous trees could have survived the flood. After the flood the waters receded enough to uncover some trees. This is natural reasoning and does not take into account that we serve an ALL-POWERFUL God. He can destroy and preserve. He can do all things being wise.

Science: Tree injury increases in proportion to the percent of crown covered by water. Species that can survive standing in several feet of water for months may die in less than one month when their foliage is completely covered. Few species can tolerate more than one month of complete submersion during the growing season.

Seeds Float:

I find the most interesting aspect of the flood is that today we find seeds floating the ocean and washing up on beaches. Countless thousands of tropical drift seeds and fruits, a remarkable flotilla of flowering plants that travel the oceans of the world. Not only could these fruits and seeds be edible, but they could have fed some of Noah's animals.

Fish Left Behind:

I also think there would have been pockets of fish that were left in pools after the flood. The bears and other carnivorous animals would have had a feast eating lots of fish.

Grain Grow Quickly:

Grains sprout in only a few days and tender grass would have appearing everywhere. Nothing better than fresh sprouted grass for grazing animals. Many humans eat it today in only seven days. They drink wheat grass juice from freshly sprouted grasses.

Wheatgrass - The Daily Gardener

Growing wheatgrass is easy. Like the other greens the young shoots are ready to use in only seven days

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