
Saturday, October 17, 2015

Short Story by Larry Zoro

New Beginnings

“New governments begin with great advertising campaigns”

Bob picked up an old newspaper clipping and began to read: September 5, 2026—

We have news of great monumental importance; Techno Labs has revealed its latest model, called TL-2. It will be available to all major governmental agencies. TL-2 will provide sound and video communication. Since establishing O.D.C. (Outer Dimensional Communications), TL-1 was first to make contact with an intelligence source outside our dimension. After months of investigations from major scientists around the globe, it was found that TL-1 was not a hoax but truly an audio link into another dimension.

The association called E.T.I. (Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) reported that communications from TL-1 revealed news about a world residing in another dimension. The earth was reported to be more like layers or levels of dimensions with different civilizations living diversely upon the same sphere.

The dimensional governments, we are told, are unified under one leader called the “Messenger of Light.” The Messenger of Light is neither male nor female but is an exalted being composed of living light particles.

All dimensions or levels rely upon each other for harmonic balance. A world out of sync with other dimensions will manifest symptoms of imbalance in various ways. Sickness, disease, and environmental decay are just some symptoms of harmonic imbalance.

The Messenger of Light gives true meaning of our existence. He said, “The beings of life never truly die. We are constantly evolving and moving in and out of different dimensions. After our life in one dimension we continue to evolve and are born again in a new world within the same sphere.” The new world spokesman, Joel Aderman assures us, “In death we only evolve into more superior sentient beings.”

TL-2 will help us begin a new era when worlds of other dimensions will be at our disposal. The wealth of information that has already been given to us is staggering. Our most recent and newest information deals with preventing disease. The world has finally learned that the major cause of disease is from our lack of spiritual harmonic balance with higher dimensional beings. What we do as an individual affects the rest of us on this planet. By harmonizing our inner spiritual light and balancing our energies with the other dimensional worlds, we will solve many of the problems that plague our planet.

“I hope you have enjoyed reading my news clipping,” spoke Hal, as he laid down the precious article on his table. “I think I’m going to frame it in glass. It brings back my memory of how thrilled I was when the dimensional worlds were first discovered. And then to find out that we could not only talk to them but also see them on our television. It blows my mind.”

“I know,” replied Bob. Their world does seem so much more vivid than ours. I really like seeing them traveling about on their insect flying machines. Their plant life is so much larger than what we find on earth. They have a world that is so much more interesting than ours that I can’t wait till we become more like them.”

“The only difference ....,” Hal took a breath while still looking back down at his cherished news clipping. “The only difference between their world and ours is that we nearly destroyed our world through industrial pollution, fertilizers, overpopulation, insecticides and other harmful chemicals that are emitted into the atmosphere.”

“You got that right. We have still got a far ways to go in cleaning up the waste left behind from industrial pollution. But we are making strides towards a better world. When people begin to change themselves then we begin to change the world.”

They both settled down into their chairs while drinking their favorite cans of beer. 

“Hal, are you going to vote tomorrow?”

“Oh, you’re right, tomorrow is voting day around the world. Thank God we’re not voting for a president or some world leader.”

“I know what you mean,” replied Bob. “This is more exciting, we are voting on joining the League of Dimensional Worlds.”

“It will be strange not having a president.”

“I know, but we will still have a world leader picked by the League of Dimensional Worlds and many other representatives belonging to the United Nations.”

“I know what you mean. Each country will have at least one representative depending on their size. I don’t understand it all, but the instruction was made clear to our national representatives by the Messenger of Light, the Supreme Dimensional Ruler.”

“It’s about time we have someone to take charge. Our constitution is archaic and so are those who run our country (USA). Our way of government might have worked if only our system of politicians could have agreed on anything and by all means fix things. There has been so much political posturing for power that many have corrupted our government. And we all know that politicians never live up to their promises. It’s time for them to go and the Messenger of Light and his chosen one to come into power.”

“I’m willing to give them a try.”

“So am I.”

Months later, Bob met at Hal’s house for evening fellowship. The scent of beer, combined with salty nuts, filled the room where Hal and Bob came together for a little friendly chat. Hal asked Bob if he wanted another beer before he sat down.

“What do you think about receiving a computer made of microdots placed permanently on your skin?” Hal asked as he placed another beer close to Bob before taking his seat.

“I don’t like anything forced upon us. I remember the Healthcare Act that forced everyone to get health insurance. It was a fiasco. Lawsuits proliferated and many full-time jobs were lost. The only people to get health care were the rich. It got to the place where our government could not help the poor or aged. Health care was just too darn expensive.”

“I know what you mean. It was affordable insurance for the poor that was really needed, not some high priced insurance that only the rich could obtain. However, the government did force vaccinations on us. The government says it was for our own good and that of our neighbors. I remember the slogan at the time, ‘A forced action of morality will result in the greatest good for the greatest number of people.’”

“True, but today many on the street have brought the Christian Bible into play. They say the bio microdots placed on the skin is none other than the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ That once we take the microdots we are doomed to hell fire and everlasting punishment.”

Hal had the beginnings of a huge grin on his face as if he knew something that most did not know. “I used to study Christian theology on-line. That’s old time teaching on hell that many used to believe in is now irrelevant to modern spirituality. Most who believed in hell also believed that the world was flat. Today, most followers of the Messenger of Light rightly believe there is no hell. However, some Christians are bringing back the old time scare tactic of hell to stop progress. Look at history, hell was only a threat that kept men paying their indulgences and obeying church doctrines.”

“I know what you mean,” spoke Bob. “Gods are benevolent beings that would never torture or blame anyone for the things we might do wrong. Our wrongdoings are really just stepping stones to achievements.”

“You got that right. We learn by our mistakes and become better beings in the process. The Supreme Messenger of Light said, ‘Sentient beings are on a journey, a journey that does not end in one dimension. It is a journey of self-enlightenment and growth. Today, we might be merely fallen creatures, but tomorrow we shall be as gods.’”

“And yet today, there are still literalists out there that fancy every word in the bible. They are screwing up our global consciousness of love and terrorizing our society with their demonic teachings.”

“Maybe that’s why the government is closing down whole cities while they institute their new law of global compliance. Those who do not obey the new law and receive their microdots will be completely expunged from their communities. Hal continues to speak while his eyes began filling up with tears while quoting the newest heartfelt slogan, ‘If you do not join with us, then you are against us.’”

“Hey! Hal, I hate to change the subject, but have you gone to a VSR (Virtual Sex Relief) machine yet?”

“No, aren’t they for gangs and the sexually depraved?”

“No, they are for everyone in need of sexual relief. When was the last time you had sex? Bob smiled as if he knew the answer.”

“What I hear is that they watch you through cameras.”

“That’s only so you won’t be robbed by muggers. It’s a good thing too. While on the machine, you are definitely out of touch with reality.”

“You seem to know so much about it. Did you create a virtual lover?”

“Not only that but I’ve had three virtual lovers at one time.”

“That’s disgusting, how much does it cost?”

“For one global yet (a yet is $5.00 compared to old US currency) you can have a fun time for five minutes.”

“I don’t know about using the machine. With its popularity, I’ve heard they were getting lines of thugs, impatient to wait and mistreating those in line. But I did hear some good news about private brothels. They are in the works for VSR machines. They will be renting private rooms to all sexes. For a few extra yets, you can rent a room for an hour with no crowds of people waiting in line to use the machines.”

Bob looked at his watch and determined it was getting late. He enjoyed his conversation so much that he decided to stay there a bit longer. “You’re right Hal; nothing would be greater than enjoying sex in the comfort of your own rented room. I can’t wait till we get our microdots. I read that it would be much easier for the VSR machine to port with us. The new VSR will give us better experiences with more touch and feel sensations along with new visual sensory enhancements.”

“I might not use it but I sure do support VSR technology. Did you know that the virtual sex machines have lowered rape crimes by as much as 80 percent? With statistics like these, they should be putting them out in every city block in the world.”

Hal and Bob parted ways. It was late and Hal had to work in the morning. Bob, on the other hand, did not retire to bed. He drove to Mickey’s Tavern where in the back room was a VSR machine. To his amazement there were five seedy looking fellows hovering over the machine while one was using it. Bob determined it was not a night for VSR sex. As he left, he dreamt of owning a VSR machine for his own personal use.

The next time that Hal and Bob met it was at Bob’s house. When Hal entered the dining area, to his surprise, there was a small buffet of sliced meats, crackers, jar of peanut butter, and of course many types of dark and light beer. As Hal was sitting down he said, “Have I got news for you. Did you hear about the new DMA law? The Dissolved Marriage Act will make all marriages dissolved. No more couples, only single people.”

“Yes and No, replied Bob. Do you want a cold glass for your beer? What about a plate for your crackers? Would you prefer a ceramic plate to eat on?”

“Everything is fine. I’ll just eat on one of your paper plates you have stacked here.”

Hal was a little disturbed by Bob’s last comment. “What do you mean yes and no?”

“I just mean yes I have heard of it. It will dissolve marriages but it will not keep couples or friends from living together. Couples or friends living together must apply and get a Consensual Living Arrangement Document. It’s a document that tells civil authorities who lives together in a particular building. There are no entitlements included in the Living Arrangement Document; it just a permit to live legally with another person or persons. The DMA law was enacted mainly to stop corruption. People were claiming to be married, when they just were living together. It got so bad that many forged documents just to obtain benefits.”

“Yeah, you’re right, said Hal. If the deceased person was married, commonly the surviving spouse gets the largest share. If there are no children, the surviving spouse often receives all the property. More distant relatives inherit only if there is no surviving spouse or children. In the rare event that no relatives at all can be found, the state takes all the assets.”

“Not anymore. The Messenger of Light declared at his last summit, 'We are all on a solitary journey. When we die, we do not take our loved ones with us. We have only one solo existence at a time. It is in this solo existence that we must spread our love in its entire splendor to each other. We must not be tied down or bound with fetters of limitation. We must liberate those in marriage and claim responsibility for our own existence.’”

“So that’s what was behind the DMA law.” Hal looked as if a light turned on in his head. The Messenger of Light sure does make things simple to understand. I just want to lift my hands in adoration like the day I first swore allegiance to Him.”

“I know what you mean. I like to memorize his words. Many times it has calmed my soul by repeating His words. Especially at night, it helps me fall asleep faster. I like his address called ‘The ways of Life.’”

Hal was about to say a remark when he paused for a moment. “I like his words, ‘Love with Consequences.’ The Supreme Messenger said, ‘Love has consequences. Love is not a condition where the betrothed is bound in slavery to false devotion. We love with no strings attached, a love that knows no bounds or false commitments. We come together with nothing in our arms but devotion and purpose. We expect nothing in return but only the reciprocation of our immediate actions.’ You see Bob I too can memorize. His words are comforting to my body and soul.”

Bob face grew angry as he spouted out his next remarks in what was otherwise a friendly conversation, “I can’t believe there are still religious groups out there causing contention.”

“For a minute there, said Hal, “I thought I might have angered you. You looked so bothered. But you have the right to be. The recent news is that anyone distributing or giving out anti-dimensional propaganda will be arrested and their heads severed from their bodies and used for medical research. The word on the street is that they are literally removing people’s heads and using their bodies for medical replacements.

The other week, I heard about a reporter who bypassed a sanctioned road block in order to report on a helicopter crash containing many critically injured soldiers. The soldiers were coming back from Syria and had suffered lethal injuries from the crash. The medics on hand were severing their heads and putting them in individual life support jars for body transplants. They interviewed one of the surviving soldiers. ‘It was a nightmare,’ he said. ‘They were attaching bodies from young headless civilians to soldier’s heads like mine. All of us were traumatized by what was going on. It was so horrible. Many of my fallen bodiless comrades cried out from their life support jars to let them die with dignity and honor.’”

Hal then showed Bob an article confirming what he heard. It showed a photograph of a soldier with a body transplant. Bob saw the scar around the soldier’s neck revealing where his head had been attached.

“You had me going there. Where do you come up with this stuff, headless civilians and bodiless solders? But then again it would explain why Barbara Wheaton’s face on CBC news keeps looking older while her body keeps getting younger. She now has a sexy body of a twenty year old. And boy is she stacked.”

They both chuckled like they were going to explode with beer and deli snacks.

“I doubt if there are many religious zealots left after implementing the microdots. I remember many tried to hide but with our newer infrared technologies mounted on drones they could not run very far.”

Hal nodded and said, “I know, I thought the Christians were going to be raptured and caught up into heaven? What ever happened to that calculation?”

“Some fanatics claim the rapture had already taken place during the last major earthquake. People who died and were lost in the rubble were considered to have been raptured. They quoted Revelation seven as meaning many escaped the earthquake by being taken or raptured to heaven, ‘These are they which came out of great tribulation.’ I have read news stories about this delusion caused by the loss of so many loved ones. Self-deception was the only way for some to cope with their grief.”

“I know many preachers had taught the rapture and even put dates on their theories. Christians are a strange people.”

Bob’s nostril flared, “Well, anyway those dissidents are getting what they deserve. Spreading myths and lies about our new dimensional family will not be tolerated. Christians are treasonous by nature and worthy of death. ‘Those who spread hate speech will not go unpunished.’” Bob felt proud that he remembered the slogan and had repeated it by verbatim.”

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