
Monday, June 12, 2017

I Demand Help!

A gentle less man called a Christian church last week demanding that they pay his power bill. The old lady who ran the free giveaway store replied that she is not the one to speak to about help. The argumentative man still argued and persisted that he needed help.

Minutes later the man showed up at the church run store and became belligerent in speech and conduct. "I need someone to pay my power bill he demanded. You must pay my power bill." Others who worked at the store convince the Christian lady in charge to call the police. He left just prior to their arrival.

Many people are confused about charity. They should realize that Christians have already paid for the man's power bill. In America it is called WELFARE. Americans have decided years ago to help the need through the "Welfare" system. Through our taxes Christians have already given to the poor. If you pay a lot of taxes, your reward is great in Heaven.

Anything other than government run systems that help the poor and needy should be considered as bonus gifts. God has already supplied for everyone's need through a system of government that stands ready to help. It might take a little work to acquire help but don't cry to me if you are too lazy to fill out the paperwork.

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